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CW Yanks Robin Pilot- does this mean more Smallville on the horizon?

November 8, 2008

Op/Ed by Kate Blake, Admin OSCKsm803-0010

Season 8 Pulse Check

Variety has reported that the CW and Warner are dropping the plans for a Robin origins series pilot. Looks like Smallville may be getting that 9th season…..this week the show saw its best ratings in a year, if the ratings can creep up to the 5 million mark and not scare people away when Lana returns this winter ( or whenever Smallville comes back from hiatus) the CW would be stupid to drop the Superman franchise. This fall it is outperforming America’s Next Top Model making Smallville not only the CW’s top scripted series but its top series period.

The CW has given Gossip Girl an order for two more episodes for this season- I know Smallville fans would gladly tune in in DROVES for a two hour season finale with the showdown we know is coming between Clark and Davis. The Superman/ Doomsday showdown has ratings winner written all over it- the question is – can the CW step up to the plate and bet on a sure thing?

Read the Variety article– I find the tie in to the Batman franchise stuff interesting and I am HAPPY to hear DC is taking a careful look at how they are developing their library.

Everyone was concerned about the departure of Michael Rosenbaum and Kristin Kreuk but the new showrunners have done a fine job in replacing the villain role with Cassidy Freeman as Tess Mercer, bringing Sam Witwer in as the unknowing villain Doomsday, and having Justin Hartley as the Green Arrow join the show on a regular basis. This season we are seeing the entire cast utilized in ways we didn’t in the past because everything had to revolve around Clark, Lex and Lana which limited the narrative direction of the series.

This season Lois and Clark as the iconic team and romantic pairing is growing and developing and making Superman fans happy. Clark working at the Daily Planet and remerging from moral murkiness and spouting off moralistic lectures every week much as his father Jonathan Kent did is very Superman. Chloe embracing her dangerous new power which seems to be turning her into something else- this is a new twist on an old theme and is allowing Allison Mack to show she can do more than be a sidekick.

My favorite part of this season has been that every episode has had storylines for the assorted characters that parallel each other. This week was a prime example. Clark answered the call of his bloodlines and did not give up on Kara when they were in the Phantom Zone and Faora answered hers by seeking out her son on Earth and giving him a glimpse of what his true nature is. Even Chloe exploring her powers and becoming something new- this is a break in her true nature and went with the theme.

Best part of this season? Every episode revolves around CLARK KENT! About time too!

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